End the Stigma Surrounding Mental Illness

Donation proceeds will go directly to NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness)
Silence The Noise is a non-profit I founded in 2023 to honor my sister Tonya who was diagnosed manic--depressive/schizophrenic in her late teens. She battled the demons, the highs & lows of her illness for 40 years until her passing in 2016 at the age of 55.

Anyone who has dealt with a family member or someone close and dear to them understand the hourly, daily, weekly, monthly & yearly rollercoaster it takes on the individual suffering and their family. For those of you who have taken this journey like me and my family, my thoughts & prayers are with you - I mean that lovingly & sincerely.
How Can We Help?
At, Silence The Noise, our mission is to help others navigate through or help soften the noises of mental illness and strive to assist all that need help or guidance with their mental health.
I wanted to make sure that I carried the torch and lead the fight for those that can’t like Tonya and thousands around the country.

My mission is to end the stigma surrounding mental illness, mental health and open all channels of communication for families and those struggling to have a safe landing & forum to meet and discuss solutions.

One of the many events that has gained tremendous support & popularity is “Sweat On The Rocks” Charity fund raiser for NAMI (Nat’l Alliance of Mental Illness). May is Mental Health Awareness Month (Also happens to be Tonya’s birth month) & for the past two years I’ve led an outdoor workout at Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver with all donations going to NAMI.

Stay tuned for more events where you can contribute, volunteer & participate - to be a part of the solution.
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